As an internationally recognised certified casting instructor Gavin Platz is the instructor of choice for the tuition we offer our clients. Fully insured and licenced to teach Fly Fishing.
The tuition offered includes:
Casting lessons
This is a one-on-one lesson with Gavin at a cost of $75.00 and lasts approx. 1 hour
Fly tying lessons
This is offered in our Marcoola store from 6.30-9 pm with Gavin at a cost of $95.00 per person – class size limited to a maximum of 4 people.
Introductory Fly Fishing School
Gavin leads this school specifically to teach fishermen new to our sport how to master the art of successful fly fishing. These classes are held at our shop in Marcoola with a casting session locally, the cost $175.00 per person with the class size of 3 – 5 anglers.
Fly Fishing School on water
This is targeted at the intermediate angler who wants to learn from Gavin, on his custom-built boat. The cost of this lesson is $195.00 per person with a maximum of 2 anglers. These lessons are from 3-6 pm (weather permitting).
Fly Fishing in the surf
Gavin will coach anglers to refine the art of fly fishing from the beach. The cost of this lesson is $175.00 per person with a maximum of 3 anglers per class. This class is run from 3-6 pm. Gavin is motivated to impart his knowledge to fellow anglers and is probably one of the most passionate saltwater fly fishing advocates in Australia.